Racquetball League
Frequently Asked Questions
101: What rules are used?
A: United States Racquetball Association (USRA)
rules are used except where noted in the league rules. USRA rules can be found at www.usra.org under the Rulebook link.
102: Is a safety cord
required to be used?
A: Yes, for safety, and by rule See 3.13.a and 3.13.c.8.
103: Is eye protection
A: Yes, for safety, and by
rule. See 3.17.a.9.
104: What is the league fee used for?
The fee covers the cost of court rental at the rate of $3/hour +
tax ($3.18 since 1 July 07). For the 10 week session, the rental
is $15.90 per player. The company subsidy makes up the difference
between the $6 league fee and the actual cost.
105: Why can't a player
cancel a league court and make a court reservation to make up a
canceled match without paying for the court?
The courts the league uses are blocked out on the Rec Center's
schedule so they can't be reserved for non-league play. When a
match is canceled, especially on the day of the match, it prevents the
Rec Center from renting the court for a paid reservation, and in most
cases, prevents it from being reserved at all. So that court
remains unused. The league pays for the unused court. The
policy is this: if given enough notice, the league captain (so
designated on the schedule, and if not, the league coordinator serves
as the league captain) can cancel a league court and make a
non-prime-time reservation at no cost. Prime-time hours are 11:30
am to 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. If players want to make up
a match during prime-time, they can call within 4 hours of the desired
time to get a free court, or make a reservation farther in advance and
pay the reservation fee of $3 + tax (that's not really that expensive,
is it?).
106: How are games and matches scored?
A: Games
are played to 15, win by 1. (A game is won at 15-14). See 1.5.
League standings are based on games won and lost, not matches.
Thus, all 3 games should be played, with each game ending when a
player reaches 15 points. (This differs from USRA Rule 1.5)
107: Where should results be recorded?
A: The results of all games should be sent to the league coordinator via e-mail, rball at brownmilk.com
108: What days do the leagues typically play?
Evening B, B+ and C leagues typically play on Mondays and/or Tuesdays.
Evening A and A+ leagues typically play on Wednesdays and/or
Thursdays. Morning and Noon leagues play Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday depending on the week.
109: What time are leagues scheduled to play?
Evening league games start at 4:45 PM, 5:45 PM, 6:45 PM and 7:45 PM.
Morning leagues play at 5:45 AM, and Noon leagues play at 11:45
110: How are the leagues divided?
A: The
leagues are divided into several skill levels from Novice to Open.
Not all leagues will be run each session because not enough
people register for some leagues.
111: How do I evaluate which league I should sign up for?
A: Check this link
to do a self evaluation. If you are realistic, the evaluations
will tend to provide a lower level than what the leagues are
designated. In general, sign up for one level higher than what
the evaluation tells you, i.e C should be in B, B should be in A, A
should be in Open. The B+ and A+ leagues are slightly more
competitive than their non + counterparts.